Welcome to the virtual workshop! In this ten-part series, Fr. Shawn Monahan, OMV, provides insight into discovering where your personal heartbreaks lie and how you can work to heal those wounds and let God into your heart.
Part 1: To Heal All Wounds
What does it mean that “Jesus saves”? In this broken world, each of us has a broken heart and lives with wounds. Yet, God desires to give us a new heart, a heart like Jesus’ own
Part 2: Claiming Your Baptismal Identity
What does my Baptism mean for me today? In this meditation, Fr. Shawn invites you to relive your Baptism and hear God claiming you as a beloved son or daughter.
Part 3: Understanding Our Woundedness
Why do I do the things I do? Events in our lives shape the way we view God, ourselves, others and the world. If we understand these inner dynamics, we can begin to heal our wounds.
Part 4: Hearing God’s Voice
What does it mean to “hear the voice of God”? In this meditation, Fr. Shawn guides you in using your imagination to hear God’s healing voice.
Part 5: Praying with Our Hearts
What does prayer have to do with healing? Prayer is the cornerstone of our relationship with God who alone can give us a new heart.
Part 6: The Origin of Our Desires
Where do my desires come from? God the Father has designed the human heart with all its desires; yet, these holy and human desires can become twisted by the father of lies.
Part 7: Our Hearts’ Deepest Desires
What do I truly want? Fr. Shawn walks through each of our basic desires and what can happen when they are not met.
Part 8: Uncovering our Wounds | Confusion
How do I know where I am wounded? In these next sessions, Fr. Shawn describes core wounds and the lies we believe as a result. We begin with the wound of confusion.
Part 9: Powerlessness
Where have I felt powerless in my life? Experiences of powerlessness can leave us feeling helpless and trapped. Jesus invites us into companionship to overcome the lies of powerlessness.
Part 10: Rejection
What is rejection? Rejection feeds us the lie that we do not belong. Jesus calls us to believe the truth that he will never reject us.
Part 11: Hopelessness
When I have felt hopeless? Hope expresses both a desire and a belief that something good will happen. Jesus invites us to trust that He secures all hope.
Part 12: Abandonment
When have I believed that I am all alone? Fr. Shawn invites us to bring Jesus into our memories of abandonment.
Part 13: Shame
What do I see when I look in the mirror? Shame makes us believe that we are not valuable, that we are not made in God’s image. Yet, Jesus never condemns us and always sees us as beloved.
Part 14: Fear
Why do I feel afraid? Fr. Shawn invites us to look at the fears in our life and if they keep us from living out our identity as God’s children.
Part 15: Anger
What is my anger telling me? Anger is a powerful emotion that can alert us to where we are in need of love and healing.
Part 16: Forgiveness
Why is forgiveness so difficult? Fr. Shawn invites us to contemplate God’s perfect forgiveness and guides us in a meditation on where we need Jesus’ grace so as to forgive others.
Part 17: Rejecting the Lies
How do I overcome my wounds and false beliefs? In the name of Jesus Christ, Fr. Shawn leads us in renouncing the lies and announcing the truth.
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