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Waiting to Be Asked.
I knew a man who was very close to his wife. He told me that one day, he was fixing the washing machine, and some oil had spilled on the floor. He asked his wife for a rag so he could clean up the mess. The wife said, “I can’t give you a rag because I’m wearing it.” The next day, he went to his boss, who had never given him a raise in all the years he had worked. He did not ask for a pay bump. Instead, he told his boss what had happened the day before and what his wife had said. After hearing the story, the boss doubled his pay. It is not easy to ask for help. Sometimes, we need a little encouragement to do it. Two of Jesus’ disciples approach Jesus with a favor. This is a very good practice that should never be discouraged.
My father has been a carpenter for over sixty-five years. He has more knowledge and experience in his field than anyone I know. There is a company that has a crew that can handle simple jobs, but when they need someone to build a spiral staircase, hang double glass doors, replace a rotted beam that is supporting a house, or figure out how many squares of shingles for a roofing job, they call dad. Still, the ladies in the office think it is cruel to put a 92-year-old to work and make him do the most complex and challenging jobs in the company. But Dad wants to work; he wants to use that skill and knowledge while he still has his health. Do you know what my father does when they hesitate to call? He waits by the phone, hoping.
God has all knowledge and power. Wouldn’t you want to tap into some of that? Approaching God is the right thing to do. It is respectful and acknowledges God. That is why we pray. Do you know what God does when we do not have any requests? He waits.
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