Continuing the work of their Founder, Venerable Bruno Lanteri, the Oblates of the Virgin Mary at St. Joseph Retreat House accompany individuals seeking to encounter the divine person of Jesus Christ through spiritual direction and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
The St. Joseph Retreat House is staffed by the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. Like our founder, the Venerable Pius Bruno Lanteri, we are faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church and its Magisterium. Entrusting ourselves to the Mother of Jesus Christ, we serve the people of God with the Spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola given in a Lanterian spirit.
An opportunity for making the Spiritual Exercises is provided for those who wish to make an extended, month-long, silent retreat.
The Eight-Day directed retreat includes all the essential elements of the Thirty Days, which includes silence, contemplation and daily spiritual direction.
The Five-Day Directed Retreat includes all the essential elements of the Thirty Days, which includes silence, contemplation and spiritual direction.
The Retreat House offers particular weekends of the year for those seeking a three-day, silent, directed retreat.
At times, each person needs time away from the busyness and hectic pace of life even if it is only for a day.