Spiritual Accompaniment for the Christian Way

The Lanteri Center provides spiritual direction, retreats, formation in Ignatian discernment of spirits, and formation in the ministry of spiritual direction and the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius.

Spiritual direction

What Is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction is the help given by one Christian (director) to another (seeker) which enables the seeker to be attentive to the Lord’s personal communication to him.

Spiritual directors

Training Programs for Spiritual Direction

Our programs provide candidates with the intellectual and practical formation they require to accompany other Christians in their journey of transformation in and through Christ.

Discover God's Deepest Desires for You

In Awakening Love: An Ignatian Retreat with the Song of Songs, Fr. Greg Cleveland, OMV reflects on some of the most intimate words in sacred scripture and develops prayer exercises to foster a deeper relationship with the Lord.


News and Events

Stay connected with the Lanteri Center and find out about upcoming silent retreats and seminars. You can also read the most recent Newsletter online.

Photo by Gayle Yeo.