“When our hands have touched spices, they give fragrance to all they handle. Let us make our prayers pass through the hands of the Blessed Virgin. She will make them fragrant.” – St. John Vianney

Prayer for the Faithful at St. Francis Chapel

O Mother of Jesus, whose intercession strengthens the Church, conserve, increase and make fruitful this congregation at St. Francis Chapel. O Mary, you care for the brethren of your Son with a mother’s love; watch with maternal charity over all who rejoice today to be part of this family. Sustain our priests in their apostolate, protect travelers on their journeys, guide students who seek truth, heal the sick and afflicted, and be a bulwark for all the faithful who gather at this chapel in living out their vocations at home and in the marketplace. Blessed Mother, who have already reached the perfection of grace, mercifully pray for us that by the merits of your Son we shall increase in faith, hope and love till the consummation of heaven. Amen.


Mary never suffered a physical blow as Jesus did but the suffering she received in union with her Son at the Cross must have been deep into the core of her being. The suffering in a soul can be just as severe and even more than physical suffering. Our Lady suffered intensely in witnessing the death of her only Son. Still, she remained courageously at the side of Jesus throughout and maintained her confidence in the Father. Mary is Queen of Martyrs because she stands by every martyr who suffers for witness to Jesus Christ. Her intercession for them strengthens their resolve at the moment of supreme sacrifice.


It is easy to see physical suffering but we often cannot see the suffering of a soul. The spiritual works of mercy are meant to provide comfort to those who are in need on the level of the soul. Today, look to practice the spiritual works of mercy.