File:Theotokos niche Holy Trinity.jpg
The Theotokos.  Painting in the niche in the wall of the Holy Trinity monastery, Meteora, Greece. By Janmad, 2008

Opening Prayer: Jesus, Our Treasure by Ven. Bruno Lanteri

O, Jesus, you descended in the fullness of time from the royal throne; O you who are most desired of all. You came from the height of heaven to visit us, and we are overwhelmed with joy, for as soon as the eternal Father had seen you born in our flesh, he made the angels proclaim peace and grace to all of good will. Freeing us from all misery, the Father gave us his kingdom and filled us with all your good. Make our hearts open and able to hold so great a treasure. Amen.

Fruit of the Spirit: Peace

Scripture: Isaiah 54:10
Though the mountains fall away and the hills be shaken, My love shall never fall away from you nor my covenant of peace be shaken, says the LORD, who has mercy on you.

Action for the Day: Why do we call this new year 2021? It means for the 2021st year in this world the grace of God has been offered to us through Jesus Christ. It is a year of grace. It is a year of favor. It is another year when God offers his peace to the world, peace that only comes through Christ. Our Lady, the Mother of God, accepted this peace on behalf of the whole world, and so she can rightly be called the mother of us all. Like anyone in this world, Our Lady suffered through many trials but she did so with a deep peace in her heart because she trusted completely in the will of God and surrendered herself to it. Today, spend some time with our Blessed Mother, speak to her in your own words and ask her for help in finding the deep peace of living as a disciple of Christ.