“To serve the Queen of Heaven is already to reign there, and to live under her commands is more than to govern.”–St. John Vianney
Prayer for the Faithful at St. Francis Chapel
O Mother of Jesus, whose intercession strengthens the Church, conserve, increase and make fruitful this congregation at St. Francis Chapel. O Mary, you care for the brethren of your Son with a mother’s love; watch with maternal charity over all who rejoice today to be part of this family. Sustain our priests in their apostolate, protect travelers on their journeys, guide students who seek truth, heal the sick and afflicted, and be a bulwark for all the faithful who gather at this chapel in living out their vocations at home and in the marketplace. Blessed Mother, who have already reached the perfection of grace, mercifully pray for us that by the merits of your Son we shall increase in faith, hope and love till the consummation of heaven. Amen.
The Blessed Virgin Mary is Queen because of her intimate association with the work of the Prince of Peace. Through her “yes” to God she helped bridge the chasm between God and man and brought into the world the Redeemer who restores peace to the relationship between God and us. In all difficulties of life and in the Church we should recall that there is a Queen who reigns and she reigns in peace.
Is there an image of Our Lady in your home or parish that you can honor today with some form of devotion? Show her that she is Queen of your heart.