Friday, Second Week of Advent
Theme: Jesse
Symbol: A Root

Prayer of Ven. Bruno Lanteri
Almighty and Eternal God, I (name), although most unworthy, but encouraged by your compassion and infinite mercy, and by the desire of serving you, offer before the Most Holy Virgin Mary and all the Court of Heaven, to your Divine Majesty, this day, and all my thoughts, words and actions in it. I humbly beg of your infinite goodness and mercy, by the Blood of Jesus Christ, that you choose to accept this offering in the odor of sweetness, and that as you have given me the grace to desire and to make this offering, so also you grant me the grace to fulfill it. Amen.
O Virgin immaculately conceived, put into my heart those things of your Son most pleasing to him. Amen.
Scripture: Isaiah 11:10
On that day, the root of Jesse, set up as a signal for the peoples — Him the nations will seek out; his dwelling shall be glorious.
Reflection: From the marriage of Boaz and Ruth came Obed. From Obed came Jesse and from Jesse, David the king. From this root would spring Jesus the Messiah. Little seeds of fidelity to God’s word planted in the heart produce a great harvest, sometimes many years and generations away. This is the mid-point of Advent. Are you still remaining faithful to little acts of fidelity to God in preparation for the great harvest of God’s Son, the blossom from the root of Jesse?