Veneration of the Icon at St. Francis Chapel on March 30 & 31
Join us for a Prayer Service for Persecuted Christians on Saturday, March 30 at 12:30 PM (after the noon Mass)
The Catholic News Agency recently reported that violent attacks, including public lynching, against Christians in India are becoming increasingly common. So much so that nongovernmental organizations and the country’s Catholic bishops are raising their voices in protest against mob violence.
Persecuted Christians in Southeast Asia, the Middle East and around the world need our continued aid and support. Therefore, we can show our solidarity by praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters.
The Knights of Columbus bring us the icon of Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians as part of their Marian Prayer Program. Through the image, they intend to raise awareness of the plight of Christians persecuted for their faith. Moreover, the icon inspires us to stand in prayerful solidarity with them.