Catholic retreats in the Philippines are an important time for Filipino Catholics to reflect on their faith, contemplate upcoming life decisions and grow their personal relationship with God.

“Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest awhile.” Mk. 6:31

Our founder, Venerable Bruno Lanteri, considered the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius through directed retreat the best way to become a saint. That belief holds true to this day as members of our Oblates of the Virgin Mary communities work toward stronger relationships with God. The Exercises were created to meet each retreatant right where he or she is on their spiritual journey and move you closer to discerning God’s will. Building upon your spiritual journey and strengthening your relationship with God moves you along the pathway to sainthood.

Are There Catholic Retreats in the Philippines?

Filipino culture encourages regular religious retreats in order to reflect on your life and celebrate your faith. The Oblates of the Virgin Mary offer a variety of Catholic retreats, for both individuals and groups,  through our retreat house in Cebu City, Philippines.


Our Retreat Ministry

Retreat groupWe use directed retreats to deepen your connection to and relationship with God. In a directed retreat, the retreatant meets daily with the director (one of our priests), who suggests particular scripture passages related to themes such as God’s love, His mercy, and the call to serve. The retreatant spends a number of prayer sessions each day praying over these scriptures and asking for related graces. This disposes the person to hear and follow what God is saying to them at that particular time in their life.

Individual retreats are offered for a weekend, a week, or 30 days. Contact us to learn more about group offerings or to get more information about our retreats.