Welcome, Lanteri Center alumni! 

I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know many of our program participants over the years, and now, as we celebrate the Center’s 20th anniversary, I’m overjoyed to see an ever-growing alumni community.

As spiritual directors, you know the importance of having people around you that help you grow in your faith. I hope that fellow alumni continue to enrich your lives, whether you stay connected in person or come here to join together online.

Fr. Daniel Barron, OMV
Executive Director of the Lanteri Center

Our Graduates

Since the Lanteri Center opened in 2004, more than 150 men and women have graduated from our rigorous Spiritual Director Training program. Alumni are now spread out across Colorado, the United States and in countries around the world, serving local communities and helping others become aware of God’s presence understand His love.

“If you feel a tug toward the Lanteri Center’s formation program… perhaps now is the time, as Helen Lemmel’s hymn exhorts, to ‘turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face’ and, like St. Peter, take a step out onto the water.”

Kari C., Spiritual Director Training Graduate

“The Lanteri Center program is overwhelmingly positive and enriching – a vessel of God’s endless love, mercy and wisdom.”

Michael C., Summer Residential Program Graduate

Update Alumni Contact Information

If you’re a graduate of the Lanteri Center’s Spiritual Director Training, we’d love to stay in touch. Provide your latest contact information in order to receive alumni news and updates.

Submit An Update

Spiritual Direction Resources

Books & Readings

Upcoming Events & Training

Other Resources

  • Liz Kelly – Liz Kelly is an Ignatian trained spiritual director. She is the author of several books, lives in Minnesota and gives retreats and talks across the US. She has developed 8 video talks about women in the New Testament.

Stay Connected

Have questions or want to get in touch? Contact us anytime. We’d love to hear how you’re doing and share your testimonial with others who are considering our program.