Spiritual Direction Training GraduationThis program is intended for those who are more experienced in the life of prayer and Ignatian spirituality, and who have sensed a call to guide others who wish to make the Spiritual Exercises. Candidates for this program will have already completed the Lanteri School of the Spiritual Direction (or a comparable program elsewhere).

The Lanteri School the Spiritual Exercises will cover a 2-year period similar to that of the Lanteri School of Spiritual Direction: The first year will consist of twenty evening sessions (September to May, 2 hours each) involving both lecture and practicum. The second year will entail 10 sessions, as well as the experience of guiding a directee, under the formation team’s supervision, through the Spiritual Exercises in Daily Life.

Candidates will be regularly evaluated by their supervisor, by the formation team, and by self-evaluation. Peer supervision and role-playing are essential elements of the program.

Program Elements

This program will review the various stages of the Exercises and the dynamics of each as experienced by the retreatant. The program will explore the Exercises from the historical, theological and scriptural perspectives, with particular emphasis on the discernment of spirits. To this end, some of the themes treated in the Lanteri School of the Spiritual Exercises include:

  • First Principle and Foundation
  • Method of Meditation
  • First week graces
  • Fifth Exercise of the First week
  • First week rules of discernment
  • The call of the King
  • Method of contemplation
  • The two standards
  • The three classes of persons
  • Second week rules of discernment
  • Consolations and desolations
  • Three kinds of humility
  • Rules for election
  • The third week exercises
  • The fourth week exercises
  • Contemplation to Attain Divine Love
  • Rules for Sentire Cum Ecclesia
  • Preparing for the 19th annotation retreat
  • Deciding who is ready for the Exercises

Candidates will read and discuss a number of articles and books on the Spiritual Exercises and the discernment of spirits. They will be expected to prepare written research papers on various subjects and to present them to the class.


The Lanteri Center for Ignatian Spirituality will accept applications to the Lanteri School of the Spiritual Exercises only from women and men who have completed the Lanteri School of Spiritual Direction (or a comparable program elsewhere that included the experience of the full Spiritual Exercises). Candidates will complete a formal application and submit various letters of recommendation. It is assumed that the candidate is receiving ongoing spiritual direction, and continues to discern a call to direct the Spiritual Exercises. After the application has been received, the formation team will meet individually with the candidates for a personal interview before they are accepted to the two-year program.