The Provincial of the St. Ignatius Province of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary placed Rev. William Brown on administrative leave after receiving an allegation that an individual, now an adult, was sexually abused as a minor some three decades ago. Rev. Brown is Executive Director for Mission and Apostolate.

Rev. Brown will remain on administrative leave with no public ministry pending the outcome of an investigation into the allegation. The decision to place Rev. Brown on administrative leave under these circumstances was made in accordance with the Province’s policies and procedures and represents the Oblates’ commitment to the welfare of all parties. The decision does not reflect a determination or inference of Rev. Brown’s culpability in any offense or wrongdoing relating to this allegation, and Rev. Brown has denied the allegation. The Oblates will work with all involved to investigate this matter, in keeping with the Province’s policies and procedures relating to the protection of minors. To that end, the Oblates promptly notified the appropriate law enforcement authorities of the allegation.

About the Oblates’ Child Protection Efforts

The Oblates are committed to prevention, accountability, healing, and reconciliation. Consistent with the recommendations of the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, the Oblates of the St. Ignatius Province participate in an ongoing program of education and accountability which is modeled on the standards set forth by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops for the protection of minors in the Catholic Church. The Oblates are regularly audited and evaluated by Praesidium, an independent entity that provides accreditation for religious orders and other organizations whose work or ministry may involve minors.