St. Joseph’s Virtue: A Docile Spirit
Not a single utterance of St. Joseph is captured in all of scripture. Yet we learn that when the Lord God instructed him in his dreams, he obeyed without hesitation. He took Mary into his home, fled to Egypt to save his foster son from death and returned to Israel at the times the Lord appointed. Let us join St. Joseph in prayer with the same docility of Spirit.
History of St. Joseph and the Oblates of the Virgin Mary
Throughout our history, the Oblates of the Virgin Mary have entrusted their mission to the powerful intercession of St. Joseph. Now, as the Oblates strive to grow their Congregation in the Ignatius Province, they once again turn to St. Joseph’s powerful intercession, and invite all who are willing to, to assist them in prayer, asking the foster father of Jesus to grant them an increase in vocations. St. Joseph, pray for us.
Membership in the St. Joseph Vocation Society
Members of the St. Joseph Vocation Society pray quietly and with love for the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. In particular, they pledge to:
- Pray daily for new Oblate vocations.
- Pray daily for the sanctification and fruitfulness of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary
- Make a Holy Hour each week (in Church or home) for an increase in vocations and perseverance of those now in formation.
- Attend Mass once a month for the same intentions.
All Members of the St. Joseph Vocation Society receive:
- A share in all Masses, prayers, and good works of Oblate priests, brothers, and seminarians.
- A special Mass offered each month for the intentions of the members of the St. Joseph Vocation Society.
- OMV newsletter and updates on our candidates.
Daily Prayer
We ask members to say this daily prayer to St. Joseph for an increase of Oblate vocations:
O Glorious St. Joseph, model of masculinity and purity, you were the head of the holy household in Nazareth. You are also the special patron of the Oblates of the Virgin mary. We now entrust to you the Oblates future, their desire to grow in vocations, and to expand their mission for the sanctification of their members and the salvation of souls. Through your powerful intercession, make them faithful, wise and courageous sons of Mary. Amen.