2020 is different than other years in many respects, but it shouldn’t hinder our All Saints Day celebrations. Like most things, the day will just look a little different this year. All Saints Day 2020 falls on Sunday, November 1st and honors all of the saints with God in Heaven.
What Do We Celebrate on All Saints Day?
On All Saints Day, we commemorate all of the saints in Heaven, including those who are not formally recognized as saints by the Church and saints without their own feast days. It’s a special day to celebrate those who lived a faithful life and ask for their intercession in our own spiritual journey.
Honoring Venerable Bruno Lanteri
Although his cause for canonization is not yet complete, we believe Venerable Bruno Lanteri to be one such unrecognized saint. In turn, we celebrate All Saints Day by honoring Ven. Lanteri’s life and praying for his intercession with the Lord.
The cause for canonization of Venerable Bruno Lanteri is an opportunity to recognize him and share his life’s work with others as they try to walk with Christ in their everyday lives. Ven. Lanteri lived with great zeal, purpose, and hope despite discouragements, and he offers us the hope to begin again in today’s discouraging times.
Following on Ven. Lanteri’s path, all Oblate brothers have a deep longing to become a saint. For many, this desire to be reunited with the Lord after their time on Earth is finished is what led them to become an Oblate of the Virgin Mary.
“Mary, I place myself in your hands, so that you may bring me to God. Brothers, I ask your help in order to persevere with fidelity all the days of my life, until the Father gathers me into His arms.”
OMV Formula of Profession
Celebrations in the Philippines
In our community in the Philippines, Undas is a beloved family holiday with prayer, feasts, and lots of festivities. Through the celebrations, the Filipino culture of faith and commitment to family shines through.
Undas celebrates All Saints Day and All Souls Day, November 1st and 2nd respectively, as one big two-day celebration. Families gather at their plot in the local cemetery to honor relatives who have passed on and decorate their graves with gifts of food, flowers, and candles. They attend a special Mass (often in the cemetery), pray for their loved ones as a family, and recite the Litany of the Faithful Departed. Some will even camp and spend the whole night in the cemetery.
All Saints Day 2020
While this feast day is typically a holy day of obligation for all Catholics, the obligation to attend Mass in person has been lifted in most dioceses for 2020 due to the pandemic. However, this does not mean that you cannot participate in All Saints Day or Undas festivities this year. There are a few ways to celebrate this feast day from home.
Attend Mass Online
Attending Mass is the ultimate celebration for any holy day. We encourage all those who are able to attend Mass online. Our ministry at St. Clement will be live streaming Mass for all who would like to celebrate All Saints Day with our community.
Pray for Intercession
All Saints Day is about honoring those who lived a faithful life. What better way is there to honor a saint than by praying for their intercession? Use this day as an opportunity to pray to the Lord through the intercession of Venerable Bruno Lanteri or another saint that is close to your heart and faith.
Enroll in a Novena of Masses
As part of this year’s celebrations, take a page out of our Filipino community’s book and celebrate All Saints Day and All Souls Day together to honor and pray for all those who are now with God. And, by enrolling in a Novena of Masses, you can continue the daily prayers and celebrations for nine days following. We invite you to enroll in the All Souls Novena of Masses and download a special prayer card to guide your daily prayers.
No matter how you choose to celebrate All Saints Day in this year of years, be sure that it includes prayer and reflection on those who have gone before us and are now with the Lord in Heaven.
How will you celebrate All Saints Day in 2020? Do you have a special saint that you plan to ask for intercession? Share your plans with us in the comments below.
Good to share thank you