Welcome to the Venerable Bruno Lanteri Guild! We are a growing group of friends who help tell the story of Bruno Lanteri, founder of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary (OMV). The cause for the canonization of Venerable Bruno Lanteri is currently underway and it’s our goal to see it completed.
Ven. Lanteri preached and wrote about the infinite Mercy of the Father manifested in Jesus Christ. But more than that, he lived it in his everyday life, as he taught the Oblates to do. Through Reconciliation and spiritual direction, he connected with people along their personal journey to knowing God’s mercy. The Oblates are located all over the world, and their spirituality is grounded in the life and mission of this little-known North Piedmont priest of Italy.
“We can never hope too much. The one who hopes for everything, obtains everything.” Ven. Bruno Lanteri
His canonization would spread his message of God’s infinite mercy to even more people, accompanied by the hope, love and self-reflection that comes with knowing God on a personal level.
Please feel welcome to explore our site, sign up for Guild updates with our newsletter, or share a prayer request. If you would like to join us in helping to promote his cause, contact us! There are no formal commitments, just a sharing of his story and invitation to ask him to pray with us and for us.