Venerable Lanteri preached the value of developing a close relationship with God through prayer. Join us in praying to the intercession of Venerable Lanteri! To aid your efforts, we’ve assembled a variety of resources.

The Intercession Prayer

Use the Intercession Prayer in your prayers to the intercession of Ven. Lanteri. To make it accessible to more people around the world, we’ve translated the intercession prayer into English, Spanish, French, and Tagalog. Pray to Ven. Lanteri in the language of your choice.

Pray the Intercession Prayer

Venerable Lanteri Prayer Booklet

To keep Ven. Lanteri and his teaching close as you pray, we’ve created a prayer booklet full of meaningful quotes and prayers. Download the prayer booklet as a PDF to read excerpts from Ven. Lanteri’s writings and prayers that he cherished as you pray to his intercession.

Download the Prayer Booklet

Request Prayers

The Oblates would love to join you in prayer through the intercession of Ven Lanteri! Use the online form to submit your prayer request, and we’ll add your request to our prayers.

Request a Prayer

Read Answered Prayers

Many have found solace in praying to the intercession of Ven. Lanteri and have shared their answered prayers. Read how praying to Ven. Lanteri has helped others and share your own answered prayers.

View Answered Prayers
Br. Miggo Roque celebrating after making his First Vows.

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